The Blog

My Journey

The Blog

Small updates

Took away Facebook comment box, as it has not been used at all, and they are changing API for that. Fixed Timelapse videos page, as embedded Youtube links did not work. Also added minor updates to about me and changed contact page to contain links to my social media accounts.

Updating The Pages

Had comments about the security of pages, when browsers do not trust the connection. Requested SSL certificate from Amazon CloudFront and added it on usage at the same time added CloudFront as an proxy-server for my pages. Now should all http traffic to be enforced -> https and and also and should work via SSL (and to be trusted by browsers).

Also tweaked this blog site to contain Facebook comment box and contact site form was tranferred to simple HTML form, as it seems that Amazon Serverless S3 did not support .php language which was used on the first form.

Noticed that CloudFront cache wont pick up these changes and found from forums that it might take somewhat 24hrs to get updates appear. Well, Im not in hurry and can check pages that they do work with direct link to S3 Bucket.

Setting up The Pages

Have been studying lately Amazon AWS Cloud environment by myself and wanted to test if I can set up serverless webpages over there...

I bought template of these pages from Themeforest and started to modify The code with Notepad++. On Themeforest there is possible also to buy WordPress sites, but those are not supported on AWS Serverless environment and I did not want to set up any servers for these pages, even though it has been made really easy on AWS. Figured out that setting up AWS environment was pretty easy, but tweaking a HTML code with .js took while or two, after all, haven´t been coding lately...

Used Software & Environments:

Adobe Lightroom

Affinity Photo



Amazon AWS Environment

Amazon S3 for hosting files

Amazon Route53 for domain

Will try to update pages every now and then. Surely I have lots of pictures to add, when I figure out the best (or at least decent) categories.